How Does The LiB Work?

It has been almost three decades that the Lithium-ion Battery (LiB) was first commercialized in 1991 by Sony (I have worked at the same R&D lab! 😊). LiBs has shown good reliability over time and now it is the most sought after energy storage chemistry for automotive and numerous other consumer applications. In this blog post, I will describe a fundamental working mechanism of a LiB. A large number of resources are available on the internet for getting insight into the LiB mechanism. I will try to give a consolidated and brief overview of: LiB charge-discharge mechanism Non-idealities in LiB operation Overview of Energy Storage Devices Figure 1 shows different types of energy storage mechanisms ranging from mechanical, electrical and chemical energy storage (it is not an all-inclusive picture. Numerous other techniques exist for storing different forms of energies) Out of those main three types, Chemical energy storage devices are calle...